Monday, December 15, 2008

As many of you know Nick Thomm, a Franciscan University graduate, was diagnosed with a brain tumor in early 2006. Since that time Nick has undergone multiple medications and procedures to eliminate the tumor. This included an invasive procedure where doctors attempted to remove the tumor. Unfortunately due to its location behind Nick's left ear, they were unable to remove all of it without risking serious and permanent damage. Doctors had thought that the tumor would be controllable through medication; however they recently discovered that the tumor has been growing despite medication. Because of this Nick will soon undergo chemotherapy and radiation in an attempt to knock it out once and for all. Nick will begin this treatment within the next few months and the family's medical bills are expected to be quite high with all the copays and coinsurance.

Whether you know Nick, his wife Jen or their beautiful two year old daughter Sarah or not, we ask you to join with us is supporting the Thomm family.

How can you help? First of all pray. Pray for Nick and his family, pray for Nick's healing and most especially for the Will of God to be done. The other way you can help is financially. We all obviously find ourselves in tight times right now, and understand that it may not be feasible to help monetarily. However, any amount you can spare is one more dollar the Thomm's won't have to worry about, and one more way we can let Nick focus on getting healthy.

Thank you for your support and for helping our friend! Please pass this information along to all of your friends and family!!


  1. Good morning everyone. Thank you so much for your support spiritually and financially. The Thomm's have expressed their gratitude to you all.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. What steps should I take to donate? Is there a link to click that I am not seeing?

  3. ok... my computer was slow... I found the donate link... sorry.

  4. please email an actual mailing address for checks to
    glad to help.

  5. Hello Everyone....just another quick note of thanks for your prayers and financial support. The donation page has been a huge success and I wanted to thank you all for your gifts. You ARE making a definite difference and helping to take a bite out of the Thomm's expenses. Please continue to pray, give what you can and spread the word!
    Thank you!


Feel free to leave comments for the Thomms here.